One of the most important crises of our time is the Ukraine crisis. The said crisis is one of the most serious tensions after the Cold War between Russia and the West. This crisis is important from different perspectives. Since world powers have intervened in this crisis based on national interests and gaining more power, and on the other hand, due to the important role of identities and norms in shaping the crisis, as well as its origin and consequences, it is necessary to examine it from various perspectives. Therefore, two important theories of international relations, i.e. realism and constructivism, can be helpful in better explaining this issue. In this way, the main question of the research is raised as follows: what are the roots and consequences of the Ukrainian crisis from the perspective of realism and constructivism? The hypothesis of the research shows that from the point of view of realists, the origin of the crisis in Ukraine can be attributed to the power struggle and geopolitical interests, and from the perspective of constructivists, the clash of identities and narratives was the origin of the said crisis. Also, among its consequences, we can mention the redistribution of power and the formation of new identities and varieties. The research findings indicate that according to the theory of realism, the annexation of Crimea to Russia and the support of separatist movements in eastern Ukraine can be seen as an attempt to maintain influence and control over the region. Russia's actions stemmed from its desire to prevent Ukraine from aligning with the West, especially NATO, and potentially challenging Russian interests. On the other hand, structuralists argue that the desire of the Ukrainian people for closer integration with the European :union: and their desire for democratic reforms can be seen as an expression of their identity and desire for a different future. Also, in terms of consequences, realism shows that the Ukraine crisis has led to a redistribution of power and influence in the region. While constructivists argue that the crisis has led to a re-evaluation of norms and the formation of new identities, both within Ukraine and in the wider international community. The research method of this research is based on the descriptive-analytical method and the use of library resources.