The transition to democracy has been one of the major challenges for societies in transition to this type of political system. This process, which involves a collapse (former political system), a process of transition and a stage of establishment, can create many challenges and issues for societies in transition. One of the most important challenges is the emergence of political violence and terrorism. This study seeks to investigate the causes and contexts of the occurrence and spread of terrorism in societies in transition. In this study, a case study of Iraq. This study believes that in the transition process, several variables at both internal and external levels can provide the basis for terror and political violence. At the domestic level, variables such as the lack of tools to exercise power in remote areas, the marginalization of formerly dominant groups, political settlements, economic corruption, the devaluation of government policies, and at the level of the international system intervention. Foreign countries and the formation of deputy groups are among the causes of terrorism. This research is of descriptive-analytical type and the method of data collection is documentary and library.
Almasi M. (2022). Democracy and terrorism An overview of the reasons for the emergence and spread of terrorism in societies in transition to democracy in the Middle East; A case study of Iraq. IPSJ. 1(1), 133-133. doi:10.21859/IPSJ.1.1.133 URL: